Dearest Gentle Readers (if you know, you know),
This past week has highlighted some gossip which I’d love to divulge with you all. Not only has Bridgerton dropped it’s second half of season 3, but Delicious Profanities was launched with such enthusiasm that there was a most lovely wee pile of parcels to be collected by my lovely postie. For those of you who supported my little business I hope you took great delight in stuffing your own little faces or indeed enjoyed the glow of satisfaction in knowing that you brought smiles to whom ever lucky recipients you sent cookies to.
My biggest lesson this week actually reminds me of my teaching career (more about that at a later date). I have engaged in the most delightful conversations with my customers and in line with the raunchy scenes in Bridgerton I too have encountered several bawbags and a boaby! But the lesson dear reader is this…behind every interaction is a relationship. Connections made, help relationships develop and trust is built. An order received just this evening has indeed underlined this learning. I received a notification about a sale and was most delighted to read that it was from my aforementioned very lovely postie who has been collecting the cookie parcels! He shared that he ordered after we had a conversation and I had mentioned that I was starting a new cookie business. Gentle readers, my heart is full to bursting!
And so, it is in the glow of appreciation and gratefulness that I encourage you all to nurture your own relationships and see what treasures that may bring. But for the moment, I shall sign off…I must now collate a beautifully packaged ‘knob’!
With much cheeriness,
Lady Whistledown…aka Cheryl